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St Mary's Bentworth

Church of England Primary School

Love, Respect, Belong


At St Mary’s we have an engaging and varied curriculum. We follow the National Curriculum in order to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. At certain points of the year, the children take ownership of their learning, by suggesting topic ideas and voting on what they would like to learn about. The teachers then plan lessons based on the National Curriculum objectives linked to the children’s interests. We have seven core curriculum drivers which are the heart of our curriculum. These are:

Environmental Stewardship: Fostering responsibility and understanding of our interconnectedness with the environment.

Global Mindset: Promoting multicultural awareness, international collaboration, and appreciation for diversity.

Play-Based Learning: Utilising play to enhance creativity, critical thinking, and social skills.

Diversity and Inclusion: Celebrating differences and creating an inclusive and respectful community.

Belonging: Cultivating a supportive environment where every student feels valued and included.

Inspiration and Aspiration: Encouraging curiosity, creativity, and goal-setting for a bright future.

Spiritual Development: Integrating reflective practices and character education to nurture a sense of purpose and values.


Teachers strive to ensure each class has a trip or a visitor each term to further enrich their learning. Some topics will have an outcome at the end to showcase the learning over the half term. This not only gives the children a real purpose for their learning, it also gives them the opportunity to celebrate their achievements. 


At St Mary's all class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all children in the class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the Inclusion Leaders. We have high expectations for all children and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Our inclusions statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all children including those with SEND.  Additional information on this can be found on our SEN page, see link below.


"I can't put into words what St. Mary's has done for my child in one term! Thank you!"


"We are well and truly blessed with an amazing school, teaching staff, support staff and head teacher."


"Thank you for leading such a wonderful, inclusive and thriving school."


"St. Mary's is a special place. Children just love it and are embraced for who they are, with all the potential they hold!"


"I have never come across a school so friendly."


"We never doubted our move to St. Mary's but we regularly get these moments of feeling absolutely certain that it's the best place for our children - thank you."

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