Welcome - here you can find all about the our Governing Body - what it does, who is involved, their interests and their commitments to our school. If you have any questions about the Governors, please contact them via the School Office.
For Governor policies refer to 'Policies' under our HOME section.
Who's Who
These are the 12 people who make up our Governing Body at St Mary's Bentworth CE Primary School. They are Foundation Governors (7), a representative of the Local Authority, current parents (2) and HT / school staff member. For more information or to contact a governor, please contact the School Office.
Maria Fordyce Chair
Chair of St Mary's Governing Body
Foundation Governor
Term ends: 31.08.2025
Meetings attended in the academic year 2022-2023:
FGB: 6/6 (100%)
Resources: 6/6 (100%)
Overall Attendance 22-23: 13/13 (100%)
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: Contractor Fresh Ayres Landscaping
Diocesan representative - ex Officio
Debbie Spencer Jones
Foundation Governor
Chair of Education Committee
Joint Safeguarding Governor
Term ends: 17.10.2026
Meetings attended in the academic year 2022-2023:
FGB: 6/6 (100%)
Education: 6/6 (100%)
Overall Attendance 22-23: 13/13 (100%)
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Jane Phillips
Foundation Governor
Chair of Admissions Committee
Term ends: 05.02.2024
Meetings attended in the academic year 2022-2023:
FGB: 5/6 (83%)
Education: 5/6 (83%)
Overall Attendance 22-23: 12/13 (83%)
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Felicity Wevill
Foundation Governor
Joint SEN Governor
Term ends: 15.04.2026
Meetings attended in the academic year 2022-2023:
FGB: 5/6 (83%)
Education: 6/6 (100%)
Overall Attendance 22-23: 11/12 (92%)
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Debbie Kempton
Foundation Governor
Chair of Resources Committee
Term ends: 21.10.2027
Meetings attended in the academic year 2021-2022:
FGB: 4/6 (67%)
Resources: 6/6 (100%)
Overall Attendance 22-23: 10/12 (83%)
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: Use contractor Fresh Ayres Landscaping
Mr Knight
Local Authority Governor
Joint Safeguarding Governor
Health & Safety Governor
Term ends 13.07.2026
Meetings attended academic year 2022-2023:
Full Governing Body: 3/6 50%
Resources: 5/6 83%
Overall Attendance 2022-23: 67%
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Jo Ayres
Head Teacher
Appointed 01.01.2013
Meetings attended in the academic year 2022-2023:
FGB: 6/6 (100%)
Resources: 6/6 (100%)
Education: 6/6 (100%)
Overall Attendance 22-23: 18/18 (100%)
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: Husband, Fresh Ayres, Landscaping
Charlotte Baker
Deputy Head Teacher
Staff Governor
Appointed: 29th September 2023
Meetings attended in academic year 2022-2023: Nil - newly appointed governor
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Scott Fitness
Parent Governor
Vice Chair Resources' Committee
Term Ends: 24.09.2026
Meetings attended academic year 2022-23:
Full Governing Body: 6/6 100%
Resources: 6/6 100%
Overall Attendance: 100%
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: Wife is PTA Joint-Chair
Lara Swan
Foundation Governor
Joint SEND Governor
Term ends: 31.01.2028
Meetings attended academic year 2022-2023:
Full Governing Body: 6/6 100%
Education: 6/6 100%
Overall Attendance: 100%
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Clare Bridger
Parent Governor
Term ends: 02.03.2028
Meetings attended academic year 2023-2024: not yet available
Full Governing Body:
Overall Attendance:
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests:
Cathy Dumelow
Associate Governor (SIAMS)
Appointed: 05.10.2022
Attendance as invited
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: None
Ashley Feldon-Lawrence
Associate Governor (ICT)
Appointed 13.07.2022
Attendance as invited
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: Wife is PTA Joint Chair
Judy Totman
Clerk to the Governors
Appointed 01.07.2011
Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests: AMT Interiors, Husband Kitchen designer/fits