Sports Premium
What is the PE and sports premium?
Although the London Olympics may be a distant memory, the legacy of London 2012 continues. To help fund Olympians of the future all primary schools received additional PE funding for the following eleven academic years (2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25). Each school received £8000 plus an £5 per additional pupil per year to be spent on improving sport and PE provision for all pupils.
Below is a joint statement from the Department for Education and the Department for Culture, Media & Sport about the PE and sports premium:
“Schools can choose how they use the funding, for example to:
- hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers during PE lessons
- support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs, e.g. the Change4Life clubs
- provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers
- run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
- run sports activities with other schools”
Click here to see the full policy on
How has the money been used in the past?
Below is an overview of our allocated annual grant and how it has been spent:-
During the year 2018/19 the school's allocated grant (£8,177) was spent on:-
- Employment of a Specialist PE teacher (as in bullet point 1, above)
- Employment of CM Sports to provide competitive sport - increasing participation in school games and strengthening links between schools/Years 1 - 6 (as in bullet point 1, above)
- Participation in 'Be the Best You Can Be Programme' (cost shared with Pupil Premium funding)
- Employment of Confident Kids/Year R - promoting confidence & self-esteem (cost shared with Pupil Premium funding)
- The purchase of quality assured resources/equipment to enhance our PE provision
- Playground Markings to create an environment that stimulates exploration, fitness and social interaction
- Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
During the year 2019/20 the school's allocated grant (£8362) was spent on:
- Employment of a Specialist PE teacher (as in bullet point 1, above)
- Employment of CM Sports to provide competitive sport - increasing participation in school games and strengthening links between schools/Years 1 - 6 (as in bullet point 1, above)
- Employment of Confident Kids/Year R - promoting confidence & self-esteem (cost shared with Pupil Premium funding)
- The purchase of quality assured resources/equipment to enhance our PE provision
- Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
During the year 2020/21 the school's allocated grant (£8177) will be spent on:
- Employment of a Specialist PE teacher (as in bullet point 1, above)
- New sheds to store PE Equipment
- Playground Markings
- Employment of Confident Kids/Year R - promoting confidence & self-esteem
- Professional Development Courses
- Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
During the year 2021/22 the school's allocated grant was £16,000, plus £10 per pupil. Paid in two instalments - Nov 21 and May 22. This will be spent on:
- Employment of Confident Kids/Year R - promoting confidence & self-esteem
- Cricket specialists to teach 10 weeks of cricket to all classes. (as in bullet point 1, above)
- Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
- Improvement of safety for PE and provision for dance by updating the cabinet for the sound system in the hall. This is now attached to the corner of the room, providing extra space and safety for the children, and better provision for dance.
During the year 2022/23 the school grant was £17,361.84 (this includes the school's allocated grant and money carried over from last academic year). This will be spent on:
- New equipment for PE sheds
- New trim trail
- Employment of Confident Kids/Year R - promoting confidence & self-esteem
- Professional Development Courses
- Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
During the year 2023/24 the school was £16,870. This will be spent on:
- New equipment for PE sheds
- New basketball hoops for playground
- Alton Schools' Swim Gala
- Employment of Confident Kids/Year R - promoting confidence & self-esteem
- Professional Development Courses
- Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
Closing statement
The PE provision is constantly under review to make sure it is put to best use.
Action Plan for Sports Premium Funding 2022-23
Action Plan for Sports Premium Funding 2023-24
Action Plan for Sports Premium Funding 2024-25
This action plan details the planned use of the Sports Premium money or the 2023/24 academic year. This gives further detail about the points listed above, and our aims for the coming year to fulfil the DfE guidance on the use of the Sports Premium. This action plan is under constant review from the PE Leader, Head Teacher and Governing Body Resources Committee.
Monitoring and evaluating
Over the year, all aspects of the Sports/PE provision are monitored and evaluated by leaders within the school staff or by Governors. We have been very pleased with the progress of all pupils during these sessions. They enjoy being so active and trying out new skills with their bodies- the feedback has been very positive.
From the Confident Kids Leader:
"The main aim behind “Confident Kids” is to raise the confidence of children and to have them explore their potential through dance, drama and song. It also involves a high level of activity so is closely related to a sports style class, getting children moving. My motto is to “give it a go” and although children are not forced to take part, the ethos is that we are all in it together just trying out new things – and the results after just a term and a half have been most encouraging."
"It is always a joy to work with children who are keen to learn something new – of course some are naturally more reticent about joining in than others, but I am delighted that with a little persuasion and encouragement all children have actively taken part in the class – the more they do, the more confident they become!"
Swimming is an important skill and can encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. All Local Authority schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2.
The programme of study for PE sets out the expectation that pupils should be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
At St. Mary's Bentworth, we provide swimming instruction for pupils in Year 3 during normal, non-covid, circumstances. This is provided off site by qualified instructors. During 2021-22, we’ve been able to return to swimming at Alton Sports Centre. In order collate our results for the Year 6 children, we asked the parents to provide certification of their current swimming level. For those children unable to provide certification, they attended lessons with the Year 3 children and were assessed at the end of the summer term.
Results for pupils in Year 6 (17 children) at the end of 2023-24
- 76% could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 59% could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- 88% perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations