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St Mary's Bentworth

Church of England Primary School

Love, Respect, Belong



At St Mary’s, we provide an ambitious and inclusive English curriculum which is progressive across all year groups. Centred around a text-based approach, we embed our teaching through high quality, rich texts from a range of diverse authors. Our children learn to become successful communicators, leaving St Mary’s being able to read and write effectively.



When children start at St Mary's, they begin a highly structured synthetic phonics programme called Little Wandle in Oak Class. This not only supports their reading, but also teaches the children spelling patterns. Reading is also taught through this programme in Oak Class and the children move onto Guided Reading in Ash class onwards. The Little Wandle phonics programme is enhanced by class stories and school library books for parents to share with their children at home. As our children become more independent they are taught how to choose books from our extensive collection in the library. This is a welcoming and warm environment, whether you are completing work, or simply want to curl up with a favourite book - our library is the place for you! Parents are also expected to read with their children every night. Intervention is provided for our children across the school who are finding grasping phonics and decoding fluently challenging, using Little Wandle’s Rapid Catch Up programme. 

At St. Mary's we have an exciting 'Reading Passport', where each child is challenged to read around a certain area! Oak Class read around Hampshire, Ash read around the British Isles, Lime read around Europe, and Elder read around the world! There are ten locations in each passport, with two books per location. These books are chosen to enable children to experience a breadth of genres and diverse text types, to enhance their reading and writing skills.

Each class from Ash onwards also completes Guided Reading, through whole class and small groups, where children's work on the higher order skills of comprehension, inference and deduction.


Children are taught to write in a variety of styles including narrative, poetry, persuasion, reporting and more, and to suit different purposes and audiences. At St Mary’s, we follow a mixture of approaches to our writing pedagogy to ensure the needs of all children are met and children become proficient and independent writers. The approaches we used are Jane Considine's The Write Stuff and Opening Doors as well as some units we have created ourselves. Our children explore high level, rich vocabulary and are taught grammar in context through different writing lenses on the Writing Rainbow (see below).


We have a whole school approach to handwriting where children are encouraged to work though the levels to develop a neat, fluent style. You can see our handwriting mountain progress below.


The teaching of spelling at St. Mary’s is responsive and adaptive to children’s needs. We have a flexible approach to teaching coverage of the spelling curriculum, based on our children’s needs. We use various schemes as guidance to support our teaching. In addition to the Little Wandle Phonics programme, Oak Class have one spelling lesson per week on a Monday where they focus on Common Exception Words or spelling rules. In Ash – Elder, a weekly, investigative, lesson is taught where children explore the different rules of spellings. These are taught in a range of ways to ensure children can apply the different spelling rules to unknown words. Consolidation of the rule happens across the week in short bursts to ensure retention. 3-4 spelling from the statutory word lists are also focused on each week, with children and teachers discussing the 'tricky' bits and creating different ways to help them remember these, for example mnemonics and illustrations. The statutory words are tested each half term. 


Speaking and listening skills are promoted through drama, discussion groups, storytelling and presentations. Whole school plays, concerts and Sharing Assemblies provide a valuable means of building confidence and developing the ability to listen to others.



When our children leave St Mary’s, their learning in English will have enabled them to be effective communicators, fluent and comprehensive readers and proficient writers. Using their high-quality English education, they will have a strong foundation to enable them to communication effectively, both verbally and in print, and they will have an appreciation for a range of books, have a love of reading and understand the importance of English across the curriculum.


Curriculum Drivers Reading

Environmental Stewardship

Our reading lessons link to environmental stewardship by incorporating books and materials that emphasise the importance of nature and sustainability. Through stories and discussions about the environment, our children develop an awareness and appreciation for ecological responsibility, fostering a lifelong commitment to protecting and preserving the planet.


Global Mindset, Diversity and Inclusion

At St Mary’s our reading lessons foster a global mindset, diversity, and inclusion by featuring literature from various cultures and perspectives, exposing children to a wide range of experiences and viewpoints. Our Reading Passports also support this ethos and have been carefully chosen to provide a wide variety of diverse authors and texts. By engaging with diverse stories, children learn to appreciate and respect differences, cultivating empathy and a broader understanding of the world.


Play-Based Learning

At St Mary’s our reading lessons link to play-based learning by incorporating interactive and imaginative activities, such as role-playing story characters or creating story-based games. This playful approach makes reading more engaging and enjoyable, enhancing children's comprehension and fostering a love for reading.



At St Marys our reading lessons foster a sense of belonging by creating a shared learning experience where children collaborate, discuss, and support one another. These inclusive environments encourage our children to participate and connect with their each other, enhancing their sense of community and belonging within the classroom.


Inspiration and Aspiration

Our reading lessons ignite inspiration and aspiration by exposing children to stories of diverse characters overcoming challenges and achieving their dreams. These narratives encourage children to envision their own potential and set ambitious goals, motivating them to pursue their passions and aspirations.


Spiritual Development

At St Mary’s, reading contributes to spiritual development by introducing stories that explore themes of empathy, morality, and the human experience. Through these narratives, children can reflect on their values, develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and cultivate a sense of inner growth and connection.


Communication and Storytelling

Reading links explicitly to this driver. Our reading curriculum enhances communication and storytelling skills by encouraging children to discuss and share their interpretations of texts. This practice helps children articulate their thoughts, listen to others, and develop the ability to craft and convey their own narratives effectively.


Curriculum Drivers Writing

Environmental Stewardship

In certain writing units, we encourage children to write about and advocate for environmental issues, such as pollution or conservation. Through activities like crafting persuasive letters or descriptive essays about nature, children develop awareness and a sense of responsibility towards protecting the environment.


Global Mindset, Diversity and Inclusion

Our English curriculum supports a global mindset, diversity, and inclusion by exposing children to a range of diverse texts. Our children create fiction and non-fictions texts that reflect diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences. This practice not only broadens children' understanding of the world but also fosters empathy and respect for different backgrounds and viewpoints.


Play-Based Learning

At St Mary’s our writing lessons connect to play-based learning by integrating creative activities like story-building games and role-playing exercises. These playful approaches make writing more engaging and fun, allowing children to explore their imagination and develop their writing skills through interactive and enjoyable experiences.



Writing lessons at St Mary’s link to belonging by creating opportunities for children to share their personal stories and perspectives, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. When children feel valued and heard through their writing, they develop a stronger connection to each other and their classroom environment.


Inspiration and Aspiration

Through expressive writing activities, children can explore their goals, imagine future possibilities, and gain motivation to pursue their aspirations with confidence. Our children take inspiration from a range of high quality authors and their work and enables them to reflect upon their own dreams and ambitions.


Spiritual Development

At St Mary’s, our writing lessons support spiritual development by allowing children to reflect on and express their thoughts about values, personal growth, and the human experience. Writing about themes such as kindness, purpose, and self-discovery helps children explore their inner selves and develop a deeper sense of connection and meaning in their lives.


Communication and Storytelling

Our writing lessons teach children how to organise their thoughts and express ideas clearly through written words. Activities such as creating narratives, crafting persuasive arguments, and sharing written work with peers help children refine their ability to convey messages effectively and engage their audience.

Below are the spelling lists for each year group

Ash Class

Lime Class

Elder Class


"I can't put into words what St. Mary's has done for my child in one term! Thank you!"


"We are well and truly blessed with an amazing school, teaching staff, support staff and head teacher."


"Thank you for leading such a wonderful, inclusive and thriving school."


"St. Mary's is a special place. Children just love it and are embraced for who they are, with all the potential they hold!"


"I have never come across a school so friendly."


"We never doubted our move to St. Mary's but we regularly get these moments of feeling absolutely certain that it's the best place for our children - thank you."

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