School Data
School results: How is St Mary's Bentworth CE Primary School performing?
Are our pupils equipped for the next stage in their life?
We believe that there is a great deal more to this question than the data below. Behind this data, are pupils who can sing beautifully; who ask amazing questions that make you look at a topic completely differently; who seek out challenge and conflict to think carefully about their own values; who can work as a team; have excellent skills in a range of sports; who can win and lose with grace and pride; who care for others sensitively and with love - my list could go on......
However, we do know that they must feel confident and comfortable in a literate and numerate world which is why this data is very important as well. It is part of a bigger picture but we are proud of our results.......but we are primarily proud of our pupils for being individuals who show love, respect and belong to their local, national and global communities.
The data below seems out of date and it is. This is due to the COVID pandemic and the removal of external testing for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Please do get in contact with me through the school office as I would be very happy to talk through our data history and share the letters of congratulations from Secretary of State about our English results!
Mrs Ayres
2024 Data for Early Years, Phonics and Year 6 (Key Stage 2)
2023 Data for Early Years, Year 2 (Key Stage 1) and Year 6 (Key Stage 2)
Early Years, Year 1 Phonics and KS1 Data 2019
EYFS: 81.3% (National 71.8%)
Phonics: 100% (National 81.9%)
Number of children: 16 pupils (12 took the tests but % if given out of 16)
ARE | National | GDS | National | |
Reading | 68.8% | 74.9% | 56.3% | 25% |
Writing | 68.8% | 69.3% | 18.8% | 14.8% |
Maths | 62.5% | 75.7% | 43.8% | 21.8% |
Key Stage 2 Results 2019
Subject (each pupil is 7.7%) | St Mary's 2019 | National 2019 | Hampshire 2019 |
English Reading | 100% | 73.1% | 75.8% |
English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 100% | 78% | 78.4% |
Mathematics | 85% | 78.6% | 80.1% |
Writing | 100% | 78.4% | 81.4% |
Combined (Reading, Writing and Maths) | 85% | 64.8% | 67.4% |
Ofsted Data Dashboard
Previous Results and Comparisons
Early Years, Year 1 Phonics and KS1 Data 2018
EYFS GLD: Actual 85% [National 2017 71%]
Phonics: Y1 Actual 92% (12 out of 13 children) [National 2017 82%]
Number of pupils: 16 pupils
ARE | National 2018 | GDS | National 2018 | |
Reading | 100% | 75% | 62% | 25% |
Writing | 75% | 69% | 38% | 16% |
Maths | 88% | 76% | 50% | 22% |
Early Years, Year 1 Phonics and KS1 Data 2017
EYFS GLD: Actual 85% [National 2017 70%]
Phonics: Y1 Actual 93% (13 children out of 14) [National 2017 81%]
Y2 Retake 100% (3 children out of 3)
Number of pupils: 16 pupils
ARE | National 2015 | GDS | National 2015 | |
Reading | 88% | 76% | 44% | 25% |
Writing | 75% | 68% | 31% | 16% |
Maths | 88% | 75% | 31% | 21% |
Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2016
The new challenging curriculum has been tested for the first time and I am delighted to share our results with you. I am very proud of our wonderful pupils and the superb team that inspired these results. A big thank you must also go the parents for all their support- it makes such a difference.
These figures are analysed on an individual basis as well as at cohort level (e.g. gender) enable our school team to improve further but also to celebrate the many successes. Please do contact the school office should you have any queries- they will find the right person to answer any questions.
The 2016 key stage 2 assessments are the first which assess the new, more challenging national curriculum which was introduced in 2014. New tests and interim frameworks for teacher assessment have been introduced to reflect the revised curriculum. Results are no longer reported as levels, and test results are represented as scaled scores and teacher assessments based on the standards in the interim framework. Below is a summary of the provisional outcomes for our school in comparison to the provisional national figures.
National data 2016 (provisional) | St Mary’s data 2016 (provisional) | |
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading | 66% | 93% |
% of pupils reaching a high level of attainment in Reading | 19% | 47% |
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing | 74% | 87% |
% of pupils working at Greater Depth in Writing | 15% | 40% |
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling | 72% | 93% |
% of pupils reaching a high level of attainment in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 23% | 40% |
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Maths | 70% | 80% |
% of pupils reaching a high level of attainment in Maths | 17% | 33% |
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined) | 53% | 73% |
% of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined) | 5% | 13% |
Average progress in Reading | +3.5 (Significantly above National) | |
Average Progress in Writing | +1.3 (Above National) | |
Average Progress in Maths | +0.7 (in line with National) | |
Average Scaled Score Reading | 103 | 108 |
Average Scaled Score Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling | 104 | 107 |
Average Scaled Score Maths | 103 | 106 |
Interpreting a school’s progress scores
A school’s progress scores in English reading, English writing and mathematics are calculated as the average of its pupils’ subject progress scores. These scores give an indication of whether, as a group, pupils in the school made above or below average progress in a subject compared with pupils with similar starting points in other schools.
Individual pupil level progress scores are calculated in comparison to other pupils nationally. For all mainstream pupils nationally, the average progress score will be zero.
A school’s progress scores for English reading, English writing and mathematics are calculated as its pupils’ average progress scores. This means that school level progress scores will be presented as positive and negative numbers either side of zero.
• A score of 0 means pupils in this school, on average, do about as well at key stage 2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
• A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
• A negative score would mean pupils in this school on average do worse at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
2015 whole school data
2014 whole school data
2013 whole school data
If you would like to know more about the school's data then please click on the link above.
Below is a brief summary.
Key Stage 1 : Year 2
Subject | 2C or higher | 2B or Higher | 2A or higher | Level 3 or higher |
READING | 100% | 90% | 70% | 30% |
WRITING | 100% | 60% | 50% | 30% |
MATHEMATICS | 100% | 100% | 80% | 40% |
Key Stage 2: Year 6
Subject | Level 4 or better | Level 5 or better | Level 6 |
READING | 100% | 83% | 0% |
WRITING | 94% | 44% | 0% |
MATHEMATICS | 94% | 56% | 0% |