At St Mary’s, we encourage the children to explore and make sense of the wider world with an emphasis on geographical knowledge and skills whilst inspiring them with a sense of curiosity and fascination about the world and its communities through rich and exciting topics.
Our pupil’s geographical learning starts with the familiar and slowly builds outwards, from Bentworth, to the UK, to Europe, and the world. Their understanding of how their local area fits into the wider world is therefore gradually accrued. Through our rich curriculum, all children have the opportunity to gain a greater understating of the 7 continents of the world. On their journey throughout the school, they will have the opportunity to focus on areas in each of the seven continents in greater depth, exploring physical and human features, using map work and exploring cultural differences. Subject specific vocabulary is planned for and links are made across subjects and within topics the children choose. We have created a two-year cycle for Ash (Y2/3) and Lime (Y4/5) to ensure we have a breadth and depth of knowledge being acquired across the continents and countries studied.
When children leave the school, their learning in geography will have equipped them with knowledge and skills to understand diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As they progress, their growing wisdom about the world will have helped them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments as well as an increased passion of our role and responsibility in caring for our planet in the hope of preserving it. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills that our children learn over their time at St Mary’s provides the framework and approaches that help to explain how the Earth’s features are shaped, interconnected and change over time.
Curriculum Drivers
Environmental Stewardship
At St. Mary’s, environmental stewardship and geography are carefully interwoven. By integrating environmental stewardship into geography lessons, we empower children to understand and protect our local and global ecosystems, fostering a sense of responsibility and active participation in conservation efforts.
Global Mindset, Diversity and Inclusion
Across our geography curriculum, we aim to foster a global mindset by exposing students to diverse cultures, landscapes, and perspectives from around the world, promoting an understanding and appreciation of diversity and inclusion. By learning about different regions and peoples, our children develop empathy and respect for others, laying the foundation for a more inclusive and interconnected global community.
Play-Based Learning
Engaging, hands-on activities help children explore geographical concepts in an interactive and memorable way. Through games, simulations, and role-playing, our children better understand maps, physical landscapes, and cultural differences.
Geography at St. Mary’s helps foster a sense of belonging by connecting our children to their local environment and community, as well as introducing them to the broader world. Understanding their place in the world and learning about different regions and cultures can enhance children’s' sense of identity and belonging, promoting a deeper appreciation for their own and others' roots.
Inspiration and Aspiration
Through our geography work, we can inspire our children by sparking curiosity about the world and encouraging them to explore new places and cultures. We aim for this inspiration to fuel their aspirations; motivating them to learn more, travel, and potentially pursue careers in fields related to geography, such as environmental science, urban planning, or international relations.
Spiritual Development
Our geography curriculum enhances our children’s spiritual development by helping them appreciate the beauty and diversity of the natural world; fostering a sense of wonder and connection to something greater than themselves. Learning about different countries and the people who live there, also broadens students' perspectives, encouraging respect and empathy for various ways of life and beliefs.
Communication and Storytelling
Within our geography curriculum, we plan in opportunities to enhance the communication and storytelling skills of our children, encouraging them to describe and share their understanding of different places, cultures, and environment. This also enables them to articulate their observations and experiences, building their ability to convey their knowledge engagingly and effectively.
Oak Class

Lime Class

Elder Class