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St Mary's Bentworth

Church of England Primary School

Love, Respect, Belong


Welcome to the Elder Class webpage!

Team Elder!

Elder Class are the Year Sixes at St. Mary's Bentworth, a time for great responsibilities and heaps of learning.

In terms of our learning this year we will be consolidating learning from previous years, making sure that we are secure in concepts ready for Secondary School, and also challenging and extending our learning in all areas.


The Summer term means many things for Year's the last term of Primary School, there is the residential to look forward to, an end of term production and the leavers services.


In English this  term, we will be investigating multimodal work using the book 'The Arrival', by Shaun Tan, to produce high quality written work. We have already begun looking at this book, and have discovered that there are no words - only illustrations! We will be delving more deeply into the characters of the book and writing our own short story about one of them. We will also use short narrative videos from 'The Literacy Shed', to aid our writing. After the half term we will be delving into the works of the great playwright William Shakespeare! In the year of the 400th anniversary of his death, it seems an appropriate time to immerse ourselves in his work!  


In Maths, we will be focusing on revising all those different elements of mathematics ready for the SAT's in May. After the SAT's are all done and dusted, we will be ensuring that our Primary School knowledge in the blocks of maths (place value, four operations, fractions, geometry, ratio and proportion, algebra, measurement and statistics) are securely ready for Secondary School, and completing transition work and extended mathematical investigations. 


Our Topic work will be looking at the Maya Civilization. We will discover the exact locality of this civilization, how they survived, their means of communicating, their buildings (and the ruins that are still there now), the Spanish invasion and much more.


It's the final term, the clock is ticking away the hours, but what a term it will be!

Go Team Elder!

Homework - Friday 1st July (hard copies will be given on Monday 4th July)

Our Amazing Ancient Greek Day!

Brilliant Book Day Dressing Up!

For our art work in the first part of the Spring Term, we looked at photography. We learnt about the history of photography and then took our own photos of around the school. We really considered the angle to take the photos at, to make them as interesting as possible. After this, we used a photo editing programme on the computer to make our pictures even more interesting - what do you think?

Fabulous Photography

Scientific Work

The Amazing Apprentice Challenge!

Christmas Cooking Fun!

White Card Models inspired by Harry Potter

Elder's Magical Trip to the Harry Potter Studios

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Elder Class Learning News- Please have a read to find out about all the exciting things Elder will be learning this term!

WOW! What an amazing day at the year 6 leavers service. A massive well done to Elder who performed their dance brilliantly! You worked so hard and made all the adults who watched you extremely proud. Well done Elder you STARS!

Salmon jump into the pool at the end of kayaking!

Still image for this video

CALSHOT! We had a wonderful week in Calshot. The weather was glorious and the children were excellent! Their determination and excellent teamwork was commented on by several of Calshot staff. They certainly did St Mary's proud!

Eat Grow Week- Some of Elder and Lime spent a week learning about growing their own food, including cooking and gardening!

The Hawk Conservancy Andover- we had a great day out learning about birds of prey and seeing them in displays performing as they would in the wild! We even got to hold one!