At St Mary’s, we provide an ambitious and inclusive Maths curriculum which is progressive across all year groups. Centred around the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach, we embed our teaching through real-life contexts, making appropriate links across the curriculum. Children learn to think mathematically, using a wide range of methods to ensure deep thinking and confidence in problem solving. Emphasis is placed on fluency to aid recall of facts so they can be as efficient as possible when working mathematically.
We primarily use White Rose and their resources from Year R to Year 6 with lessons planned sequentially over time to aid progression and understanding. This is supplemented with other programmes as appropriate. In EYFS, children develop a love of maths with activities supported by White Rose resources, giving them a strong foundation on which to build throughout their time at St Mary’s.
Outlined below is our pedagogy, which runs through every class in the school;
Key Language:
- Marvin the Monkey – our maths learning friend
- Learning Nut – the learning objective
- Brick – the different areas of maths
Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions (including decimals and percentages), Measure, Geometry, Statistics, Algebra and Ratio and Proportion.
Learning Sequence:
Children progress through all the stages below. At any point in the learning process, a child can return to ‘nuts on a plate.’ Every child is expected to reach ‘nuts in a box’ at an appropriate pace for them, in order to achieve ‘deep learning.’ Children progress through the stages in one lesson, or over a series of lessons, depending on their age.
- Nuts on a plate – The teacher uses direct teaching, ‘modelling’ to teach a ‘learning nut.’
- Nuts in a clearing – The child independently practises the ‘learning nut’ which they have been taught.
- Nuts in a box – The child applies their understanding of the ‘learning nut' in problem solving activities.
When our children leave St Mary’s, their learning in Maths will have enabled them to be fluent at manipulating number; able to reason confidently and solve routine and non-routine tasks, using an appropriate and efficient method. Using their high-quality maths education, they will have a strong foundation for understanding the world, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Curriculum Drivers
Environmental Stewardship
At St Mary’s, environmental stewardship in Maths can be illustrated through practical applications such as calculating carbon footprints, understanding geometric patterns in nature, and analysing data on pollution levels. These activities not only enhance mathematical skills but also instil a sense of responsibility and awareness about the environment in young learners.
Play-based Learning
Maths integrates games and hands-on activities to teach mathematical concepts, making learning more engaging and enjoyable for children. This approach helps children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a natural and interactive way, fostering a deeper understanding and retention of mathematical principles.
Global Mindset, Diversity and Inclusion
Incorporating a global mindset, diversity and inclusion in Maths creates a rich learning environment where children explore mathematical concepts through varied cultural perspectives and real-world global issues. This approach not only broadens their understanding and appreciation of maths but also fosters empathy, respect, and critical thinking, preparing them to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world.
Belonging in Maths fosters a positive learning environment where children feel valued and supported, enhancing their confidence and willingness to engage with mathematical concepts. This sense of community encourages collaboration and communication, making it easier for children to grasp challenging topics and develop a deeper understanding of maths.
Inspiration and Aspiration
Inspiration and aspiration in Maths ignite children's curiosity and enthusiasm, motivating them to pursue higher-level thinking and problem-solving. When students are inspired by relatable role models and real-world applications of maths, they develop ambitious goals and the confidence to achieve them, fostering a lifelong love for learning and success in mathematics.
Spiritual Development
Maths at St Mary’s encourages children to find a sense of wonder and purpose in the patterns and order of the mathematical world. This holistic approach nurtures an appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of mathematical concepts, fostering a deeper, more reflective engagement with the subject.
Communication and Storytelling
Communication and Storytelling play a vital role in maths at our school by making abstract concepts more relatable and understandable for young learners. By weaving mathematical problems into engaging narratives, teachers can capture children's attention, aid in the retention of information, and enhance problem-solving skills through contextual and interactive learning.
Times Tables - Support for Parents
Whole School Progression in Calculations Documents
Royal Institute Maths Masterclass
This term, some of our Year 5 children took part in a series of Maths Masterclasses run by the Royal Institute.
"Ri Masterclasses are extra curricular workshops in mathematics or computer science. They nurture students’ curiosity and inspire them to continue STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) engagement into the future.
Through Masterclasses, students connect with scientists and STEM enthusiasts, gaining insight into the depth and breadth of these fields. Students are helped to realise that STEM subjects are for everyone, inspiring future science careers."
RI Maths Masterclass

Oak Class

Ash Class

Lime Class

Elder Class