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St Mary's Bentworth

Church of England Primary School

Love, Respect, Belong


Welcome to the Elder Class webpage!

Welcome to our little corner of the website! We are Elder Class, the Year 6's of St. Mary's Bentworth School! This is the last year of Primary School and is a time for great learning and responsibilities! Within this amazing bunch of people you will find; the Head Boy and Girl, the Church Councillors, the Peer Mentors and the leaders of the School Council, the Eco Council and the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. Each of these roles hold unique responsibilities, and we are enjoying the different challenges they bring.


This is the beginning of our final term in Primary School, but, as ever, we will be filling it with fun and hard work. We are preparing for our SATs tests later on this half term - making sure the 'knowledge filing cabinets' in our brains are full and ready to be referred to!

We will also be continuing to delve into the secrets of the past, by studying Ancient Greece this half term.


The timetable for SATs week is as follows:

Monday 14th May: English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (Papers 1 and 2)

Tuesday 15th May: English Reading

Wednesday 16th May: Mathematics (Papers 1 and 2)

Thursday 17th May: Mathematics (Paper 3)


A copy of the presentation for parents about the SATs is below.



Team Elder!

Alice in Wonderland songs.

As you may be aware by now, Lime and Elder will be putting on a production of Alice in Wonderland this summer!

To help them to practise at home, please find below the songs they have been learning for the play, along with the lyrics.

01 Overture.wav

02 All In A Golden Afternoon.wav

03 I'm Late!.wav

04 Down, Down, Down.wav

05 My Lovely Garden.wav

06 I'm Late (Reprise).wav

07 I Wish I Hadn't Cried So Much.wav

08 Caucus Race.wav

09 Mouse's Tale.wav

10 What Will Become Of Me-.wav

11 Who Are You-.wav

12 Pig And Pepper.wav

13 Wonderland.wav

14 royal procession.wav

15 Mad As A Hatter.wav

16 Royal Procession.wav

17 Croquet Song.wav

18 Lobster Dance.wav

19 Beautiful Soup.wav

20 Who Stole The Tarts-.wav

21 Off With Her Head!.wav

22 Wonderland Reprise.wav

KS2 Reading - Working at the Expected Standard - Poor Vera

The pupil can: - read age-appropriate books with confidence and fluency (including whole novels) - read aloud with intonation that shows understanding.

This video gives a good example of the fluency and expression expected by the end of KS2. This is a good objective to work on at home.

Bible Explorers!

Taking part in the BBC Terrific Scientific Investigation - Feet!

Come with us with words.wma

Come With Us

Rejoice With Us!

Once in Royal David's City

Mary and the Angel

In a Stable

Away in a Manger

One Bright Star

We Three Kings

Silent Night

SATs Information Evening Presentation

The Apprentice - Day 1 - The First Boardroom!

Cooking up a Storm! Making ANZAC biscuits!

Think Safe at Queen Elizabeth Country Park! 10.10.17

Spectacular STEM Day!

On Friday 22nd September, Elder Class (with some friends from other schools) took part in a fantastic STEM day. Our day was called 'Dead on Time', and we had to work in teams to solve the murder of 'Ben Veasey'. Every challenge was timed, and there was music making it even more exciting! We got to dust for fingerprints, delve into witness statements, test mystery substances, and even conduct DNA fingerprinting. 

It was an amazing day - we want to do another one!

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Team Elder!

History is Boring/ The Keymaster

The Big Match

Never Drink the Tudor Water

Guy Fawkes Hiding

The Moonrakers


Work Hard

Votes for Women

Far From Home

Too Late?

We Have the Keys.wma


Calshot! A snapshot!

Making Mayan chocolate cups on Dads to School Day!

Sport Dance

Snowy Times!

Friday 13th turned out to be a lucky day for us as we had snow! Elder Class were asked to accompany their buddies from Year R when they went outside to explore the snowy world around them. We helped our buddies think about what they could hear and feel  when they walked on the snow and touched it, and worked with them to build snowmen! We also went to the pond area with Miss Baker and explored how the pond was covered in ice! We were allowed to carefully break the ice and hand pieces to our buddies so they could have a new experience. It was fun working with our Year R friends to help them develop their knowledge and understanding of the world!

The Mannequin Challenge!

Still image for this video
On the last day of term, Elder Class wanted to try a complete the 'Mannequin Challenge'! As there is only a few of us in the class, we decided to make the challenge more difficult, by having to move to different locations without being seen! #TeamElder!

Visiting East Hampshire District Council and meeting Damian Hinds MP

Elder Class Natural Disaster Museum

The Apprentice - First Boardroom!

Our Amazing Trip to the Natural History Museum in London!