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St Mary's Bentworth

Church of England Primary School

Love, Respect, Belong

Archive Book Week 2021

Welcome to our virtual Book Week 2021!


Below are lots of different extra activities you can take part in, on top of the Home Learning set. Even Charlie is getting involved! 

The Masked Reader - Click the picture below to take you to the video and then fill out the answer sheet!


Guess the Staff 'Shelfie' - have a look at the large photos and then fill out the answer sheet below!

Why not try out the Extreme Reading Challenge - please send us photos!

Have a go at the Kahoot! Quiz - follow the instruction sheet below!

Book Week Emoji Quiz - click on the picture below to take you to the quiz!

Book Week Among Us Quiz - click on the picture below to take you to the quiz!

Here are some digital libraries - click on the book covers on the PDFs to take you to a video of the books being read! Why not try out a book that you have never read before?


"I can't put into words what St. Mary's has done for my child in one term! Thank you!"


"We are well and truly blessed with an amazing school, teaching staff, support staff and head teacher."


"Thank you for leading such a wonderful, inclusive and thriving school."


"St. Mary's is a special place. Children just love it and are embraced for who they are, with all the potential they hold!"


"I have never come across a school so friendly."


"We never doubted our move to St. Mary's but we regularly get these moments of feeling absolutely certain that it's the best place for our children - thank you."

Thinking of joining us?