The Living Rainforest
Bring your Grandparents to school day!
We really enjoyed spending the day with our Grandparents. We wrote letters to Her Majesty The Queen and created some pop art in the style of Andy Warhol. There are some pictures below of us working with our Grandparents.
Exploring Habitats
We were learning about special places for RE. We went to our church and looked at the features of the church that make it special. We showed respect and love for our church by working quietly and sensibly. We felt a real sense of belonging whilst we were there.
Andy Goldsworthy Artwork
Miss Knight have introduced us to Activity Boxes. These are different boxes that have challenges in linked to our learning. One box is practising English or Maths and one box is research based. Here is a photo of us doing Activity boxes.
As the hook to our topic of 'Location, Location,' we tried tropical fruit from Brazil, created word banks about these and made our own Brazilian carnival mask.
Year 3 East Meon Residential 2016
Mr Men Riddles
London's Burning...
Make Your Mark!
In Ash Class we are now reading a new book to help us build our learning resilience. It is called 'The Most Magnificent Thing' by Ashley Spires. It tells the story of a girl who tries to create the most magnificent thing, but after several attempts, she is disappointed with the result. Then, she takes time to reflect and realises that there is something magnificent about all the things that she has created and goes on to create one final 'magnificent thing'. I thoroughly recommend that this book be shared at home so that whenever children feel challenged in their learning, they can be encouraged by the events and the decisions made in this story. We will also be coming up with key words to go alongside 'Make Your Mark' to help us make a start. Who knows where our learning journey might take us!
Our Learning Resilience Project. 'Make your Mark.'

The Year 2 Array Hunt. We never knew we would find so many around school!

A lovely quiet read, a perfect way to start the day!

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be learnt for the test on the following Friday. Each week there will be an activity to complete linked to spellings to be completed in the homework book. We will also set homework on a Friday to be handed in on the following Friday. This will be set and completed in the homework books. Homework will usually be a piece of English or aths, but work in other subjects such as topic, science or RE may be set instead.
Times Tables
During Year 2 the children will be focusing on their 2's 5's and 10 times tables.
During Year 3 the children will be focusing on their 3's, 4's and 8 times tables.
It is important for children to practise these as much as possible. They need to know these with instant recall not just using their fingers. Here is a useful website which might make learning times tables more fun!!